November 2021 update (0.0.4)

Putting a game that you've made online is a little bit like opening a shop: you see possible visitors walking past, sometimes they come in, and sometimes they find what they are looking for and stick around for a while.  The more people that enjoy their experience, the better!

After the last update, we were able to analyze a bit of activity, though it's fully anonymised so we were limited in what we could know.  Still, one thing was clear: some people were coming in, trying to start a game, but they didn't have anybody to play against, and so they left again.

We want everybody who comes in to have a good experience.  So, we spent a bit of time making sure that everybody will get a game if they start one.

Now, if you start a game, but you don't have any friends in the same session, we'll still start a game.  You'll get to be the baddie.  If you keep winning, you'll encounter more participants to make it even more challenging.  And as soon as you find some friends to play, they can jump into the very next game with you.

Please enjoy!

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Nov 04, 2021

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