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am i the baddie?
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Late-November 2021 update (0.0.6)
November 21, 2021
Distant Pixel
Now, while waiting for a game to start, there is a fun way to transform your character. Can you discover it? Watch for a puff of smoke when it happens! Players have asked for a way to do this for a lo...
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Mid-November 2021 update (0.0.5)
November 13, 2021
Distant Pixel
It turns out, playing games against people is a great way to see what's working and what isn't. Some players weren't getting proper movement. Now it should be fixed, and things will work regardless of...
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November 2021 update (0.0.4)
November 05, 2021
Distant Pixel
Putting a game that you've made online is a little bit like opening a shop: you see possible visitors walking past, sometimes they come in, and sometimes they find what they are looking for and stick...
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October 2021 update (0.0.3)
October 25, 2021
Distant Pixel
It's been very exciting to see even just a few people gather online to play some multiplayer in the game almost every day since it launched. One evening there were even two separate games being played...
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Launching "am i the baddie?"
October 05, 2021
Distant Pixel
Introducing am i the baddie? am i the baddie? is a fun, fast, online multiplayer game. It's best with 3-5 players. It's been described as a cross between Pac-Man and Among Us. It's deliberately family...
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